Monday, January 27, 2020
CSR IN KENYA: FACTORS THAT DRIVE and AFFECT THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY This paper seeks to address the concept of CSR within the Kenyan context and in particular the factors that affect its effective practice and the benefits to the local stakeholder community. The growth and implementation of CSR-related activities throughout the years in developing countries and in particular Kenya will also be dealt with. The research questions posed will be tackled using the mixed methods cross-sectional design as focus will be on all the sectors of the economy so as to have a better understanding of the different contributions by these businesses and organisations. Through this research, I hope to identify the precise ways in which CSR is practised in Kenya while establishing the various businesses that are committed to this cause. This paper will also highlight the major characteristics of the practice of CSR in Kenya and thus, give businesses insight into which areas need improvement and how they can do so while still turning a profit. 4. INTRODUCTION a) Area Topic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an ever evolving concept that comprises of any strategic tool that creates new opportunities for businesses while mitigating and managing the risks to the businesses. The focus of this study is on the area of CSR and in particular its practice in Kenya. The topic of choice is whether there have been any factors that have driven and affected the local businesses contributions to the stakeholder community. b) Statement of purpose The purpose of the study is to examine what key CSR drivers are present in Kenya whether there have been any factors that have prevented the business organisations in Kenya from substantially contributing to the local community through the practice of CSR. Additionally, the study will also look into spheres of possible improvement by the government and the business community. 5. LITERATURE REVIEW CSR means many things to different people institutions and as Frankenthal (2001) clearly states, CSR is a vague and intangible term which can mean anything to anybody, and therefore is effectively without meaning. These CSR interpretations have evolved over the last 30 years from being relatively focused on compliance with environmental regulations a search for eco-efficiency to a broader concept that combines and balances economic, social and environmental commitments as part of the drive towards sustainable development. Therefore, different companies have adopted slightly different interpretations as to what CSR means to them but the underlying message is always the same. Welford (2004 and 2005) has noted that CSR has been adopted in different ways in the different parts of the world. CSR concerns how organisations interact with their stakeholders, and is linked to improving sustainable development, health and wellbeing for people, as well as enhancing organisational profits (Price, 2009). This is because over the years, business organisations have come under immense pressure from their stakeholders to act in a responsible manner. Scandals such as Enron and Parmalat (Ruggie 2003: OHiggins 2005), Nikes employment practices and the very recent BP/Shell oil spill have provoked increased scrutiny into business policies and practices. Mullerat and Brennan (2005) deduced from a study carried out by the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Craft and Agriculture in cooperation with Instituto per i Valore dImpresa that the adoption of CSR-related activities by companies depends on 2 factors: The size of the business enterprise/ organisation there is a difference on CSR performance between the smaller companies and the large ones due to financial personnel differences; and The particular sector of the economy in which the business operates for example, businesses within the agro-industrial, building construction, manufacturing ICT sectors are more concerned with environmental issues arising from their production processes and product lifespan. Globally, companies that have engaged in CSR have come to the realization that their environmental and social impacts need to be managed in line with their economic or commercial performance (Little, 2003). In Africa, CSR is still in its infancy stage due to socioeconomic realities such as poverty, HIV/AIDS and ineffective public administration service delivery which have had a significant impact on the drivers, role and function of CSR for companies operating in Africa (Klins, Niekerk Smit, 2010). Thus, CSR activities and projects aspire to resolve challenges faced by communities, which governments cannot fully address. Therefore, issues such as the environment, workplace, product quality and health safety get much lower priority. CSR in Africa is most often associated with multinationals or large foreign investors e.g. Coca Cola. Visser, Matten, Pohl Tolhurst (2010) have identified some of the drivers for CSR in developing countries as: Cultural tradition where CSR draws deeply from indigenous beliefs of philanthropy, business ethics and community togetherness; Reforms in politics; Socio-economic priorities e.g. alleviation of poverty, eradication of HIV/AIDS; Governance gaps; Response to crisis such as accidents, catastrophes; Market access; International standardisation through the adoption of global CSR codes; Investment incentives; Stakeholder activism; and Business supply chains. CSR is therefore seldom related to the companies core business but rather tends to be positive payback philanthropy, with public relations benefits (Klins et al, 2010). Some priority issues covered by CSR activities in Africa are poverty reduction, health HIV/AIDS, skills development education, youth development and socioeconomic development. In Kenya, the cultural context is an important factor in defining CSR and this communal culture is captured in the indigenous concept of Harambee which embodies and reflects the strong ancient value of mutual assistance, joint effort, social responsibility and community self-reliance (Winston and Ryan, 2008). This concept simply means that collective good outweighs individual gain. According to Gathii (2008), the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has been involved in drafting guidelines on CSR. These guidelines, in addition to those voluntarily adopted by companies and the current ISO standards, form a backdrop against which to measure CSR in Kenya. In Kenya, CSR is often seen as an add-on, peripheral to the core business (Imani Development, 2009). CSR departments are rare and many operate from within marketing, communications, corporate affairs, training or human resources departments (Klins et al, 2010). Furthermore, where CSR policies are established, more often than not, they refer to philanthropic approaches. CSR policy adherence is not typically evaluated in Kenya and corporate leadership involvement tends to be focused on launching community projects, supporting CSR policies and ensuring resources for these projects, rather than embedding CSR in business processes. Regulations that have an impact on CSR are often based on the ratification and subsequent domestication of international conventions which mainly focus on workplace issues and the physical environment. Examples of specific national CSR-related legislation in Kenya are: Vision 2030; Kenya National Environment Action Plan; and Draft guidelines (recently developed) by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) Ponnu and Okoth (2009) in a study done on CSR disclosure in Kenya found that Kenyan companies are relatively small if compared in the international standards. These companies participation in social activities may not be pegged on their financial capability rather, their willingness and desire for strategic positioning within the society for future economic advantages. Some organisations business committed to practising CSR in Kenya are: The Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) which fights against HIV/AIDS is a signatory of the Global Compact and is also involved in Kenyas Vision 2030; The Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) has established the Centre for Energy Efficiency Conservation (CEEC) and has been the focal point of the Global Compact Local Network in Kenya since September 2009; The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) is promoting the UN Global Compact and is active in the field of anti-corruption; East African Breweries Ltd (EABL) founded the EABL Foundation in 2005 which deals with the supply of water, environment, health, education training and other special projects, aimed at improving the lives of the people in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania; Safaricom Ltd a leading mobile service provider that has greatly contributed to the Kenya community since 2007 through its sponsorship of various projects under the spheres of community, environment, health, sports and education; Intex Construction Ltd. a Kenyan company that deals in construction, civil engineering and real estate development and is committed to CSR, environmental impact management and Corporate Social Investment (CSI); Unilever Tea Kenya Ltd. as part of its CSR agenda is involved in health care, employee welfare (housing), community participation (educational scholarships, training of farmers) and environmental care (is a corporate member of WWF and encourages sustainable agriculture); and Equity Bank the Equity Group Foundation focuses on eradication of poverty, hunger and the provision of humanitarian aid, education, gender equality and women empowerment, health, environment sustainability and voluntary service to society by the banks leadership. Kivuitu, Yambayamba Fox (2005), argue that the CSR agenda needs to be locally owned if its to make a significant contribution to the local development priorities and it must be relevant to local enterprises, whether large or small. Many scholars agree that in order for CSR and its policies to produce substantial gains within the Kenyan local community, it needs to be tailored to suit the business practices of the organisations that operate in Kenya. 6. RESEARCH QUESTIONS i) General Questions Has the practice of CSR in Kenya been successful overall? What are issues that have benefited from the practice of CSR? How much more can be done by the relevant authorities and businesses? ii) Specific Questions What are main drivers of CSR in Kenya? How many companies in Kenya practice CSR? How many of these companies are listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE)? Does the Kenyan Government participate in CSR-related activities? Are there any state policies or laws that regulate or steer CSR in Kenya? What are the various ways in which CSR is practised in Kenya? What are the critical success factors that have led to implementation of successful CSR projects in Kenya? How have local issues benefited from CSR-related activities? Are the gains substantial and/or should more be done? 7. RESEARCH METHODS i) Design (Strategy Framework) The research questions will be answered using the mixed methods cross-sectional design with a pragmatic worldview which consists of collection of both quantitative and qualitative data sequentially. This approach is based on the assumption that the collection of diverse types of data best provides a deeper understanding of the research problem posed. The study will commence with a broad survey in order to generalize the results from a sample of the businesses to the population. Then qualitative open-ended interviews will be used to collect detailed views from the participants. The strengths of both quantitative and qualitative research will provide the best understanding of this particular study. ii) Sample Sampling is an important part of the research study and this is because its cheaper, faster, practical, and more confidential in nature and lastly it has more in-depth analysis of the research problem. The research will be located in Kenya as this is the topic of the area under study. The population from which the samples will be selected will be the companies operating in Kenya (both national and foreign internationals). This is because these companies CSR practices are the major focus point of the research study. Sampling will be done through the sequential mixed methods sampling procedure, whereby the results from the QUAN strand will influence the methodology subsequently employed in the QUAL strand. The first sample will be generated through stratified random sampling where businesses will be surveyed and from these results then simple random sampling will be applied so as to investigate the issues that have benefited from CSR-related activities in Kenya. The first sample will consist of 30 companies randomly selected from: The Nairobi Stock Exchange; Foreign internationals companies operating in Kenya; and Medium-sized companies not listed on the NSE. The second sample will comprise of 20 issues that have benefited from CSR-related activities and the size of this sample will be inclusive of institutions, individuals or group of individuals, the environment and other local causes. iii) Data Collection This will be done in 2 stages as the quantitative data collection will build on the qualitative one. Quantitative data on the factors that drive and affect CSR performance by businesses will be through a cross-sectional survey using: Close-ended Online Questionnaires Advantages are: There is greater flexibility when displaying the questions in mind e.g. through check boxes, pull down menus; It allows a quicker response from the participants; Its cheaper to administer due to the absence of costs of purchasing paper, printing and postage; There is no prior arrangement to be done; They avoid any embarrassment to the respondents; There is no bias from the researcher; Reduction in the time needed for analysis as the data is collected in a central database; and Its easier to correct any errors made on the questionnaire thus no need for reprinting. Disadvantages are: There is a limited response rate because some people may not have access to the internet; They assume that the respondents are literate; There are people who are not receptive to completing questionnaires online; and There is a bias as the demographic that generally responds to online questionnaire invitations are usually younger people. Structured Telephone Interviews Advantages include: Relatively cheaper and speedier than personal interviews; There is a high response rate which is also spontaneous ; Interviews can be aided where necessary; The researcher can tape the interviews; Has accessibility to a wide geographical area; and Has more anonymity than personal interviews. Disadvantages include: The participants can terminate the interview at any time they want; Questionnaire will be required so as to guide the researcher on what to ask; There is the inevitability of repeat calls; Respondents have very little time to think; The researcher must have phone etiquette; The questions presented must be straightforward; Non-verbal cues cannot be read (visual aids cannot be used); The interviews have to be short so as to avoid irritation; and There is the danger of contacting obsolete telephone numbers while omitting unlisted ones. While qualitative data on the contributions to the local issues will be collected through: Document Review The advantages include: The information contained the documents can be verified independently; The review process can be done independently without relying on other sources extensively; and Its cheaper than other data collection methods. The disadvantages include: The information uncovered may not be in line with the requirements of the research study; The documents may be difficult to locate obtain; The information may not be available for public viewing; The documents may be located in a distant archive thus requiring the researcher to travel; It can be a time-sensitive process; and The researcher does not have control over the quality of data unearthed and thus relies on the information provided in the documents so as to assess the reliability of the sources. Open-ended/in-depth interviews Advantages are: They provide more detailed information than the other methods; and Information is collected in a more relaxed atmosphere thus interviewees are more open. Disadvantages of this method are: The respondents may be biased in order to prove a point; These interviews are time-sensitive due to transcription and analysis of this data; and They produce results that are not easily generalized due to the small samples chosen. Audiovisual materials Some advantages of this type of data collection are: Its easier for people to relate to images; They provide a gateway for participants to share their perceptions; and They provide extensive data on real-life situations. Disadvantages include: Due to the amount of extensive data collected, they are difficult to analyse; and Data collected could be easily influenced by the researched thus theres bias. iv) Data Analysis Research Question Data Source Analysis Plan What are the main drivers of CSR in Kenya? Books, dissertations, periodicals, journals research reports Content/ document analysis of the identified paper-based sources. How many companies in Kenya practice CSR? Company websites, annual reports, periodicals journals Web content analysis of the relevant company websites. Document analysis of the relevant company-related documents. How many of these companies are listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange? Nairobi Stock Exchange website Web content analysis of the NSE website. Does the Kenyan government participate in CSR-related activities? Government reports publications Content/ document analysis the accessible and relevant government sources. Are there any state policies or laws that regulate or steer CSR in Kenya? Government statutes Document analysis of government statutes dealing with CSR in Kenya. What are the various ways in CSR is practised in Kenya? Questionnaires, books, journals, research reports conference reports. Use of constant comparison (grounded theory) to analyse questions. Document analysis of the obtained documents. Use of SPSS to collate responses to the questionnaires issued. What are the critical success factors that have led to implementation of successful CSR projects in Kenya? Periodicals, dissertations, journals, books, research papers Document analysis of the books, journals, periodicals, dissertations and research papers unearthed during the research. How have local issues benefited from CSR-related activities? Interviews, company websites, questionnaires, journals, periodicals Document analysis of journals, periodicals. SPSS analysis of the interviews questionnaires issued. Web content analysis of the various companies identified. Are the gains substantial and/or should more be done? Interviews, questionnaires, research papers conference reports. Document analysis SPSS analysis Therefore, due to the mixed methods research design formulated, the research will undergo the following 5 stages in order to fully answer the research questions posed: Data Reduction It will involve the use of memoing, descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. Data Display This will be done through charts, graphs and tables. Data Consolidation Both sets of data will be combined to create new ones. Data Comparison Comparison of data from the quantitative the qualitative data sources will then be done. Data Integration Lastly, integration of both types of data into one whole will reveal the final picture. v) Assumptions The following will be made in relation to this study: That respondents will answer the questionnaires truthfully; That the samples represent the population; and The instruments used have validity and are measuring the desired constructs. 8. SIGNIFICANCE This research study is important as it will examine deeper an area that has not been fully explored by previous scholars while paying homage to them. This is due to the fact that CSR is an ever-growing phenomenon that Kenya as a developing country needs to improve on so as to catch up to its developed counterparts. This study is important to the businesses operating in Kenya as it will enable them to gauge themselves and identify areas of improvement at the same time. 9. LIMITATIONS DELIMITATIONS Limitations The study will be limited by time constraints because of the length of time provided for completing the research. It will also be limited by the number of businesses, institutions willing to participate in the study. Delimitations This study will be delimited to companies, institutions operating in Kenya that have participated in CSR-related activities in the last 10 years. 10. ETHICAL ISSUES The following ethical issues will be taken into consideration during this study: Informed consent and the participants understanding of their rights. These consents will be both written and oral in nature; Confidentiality of any information collected from the participants; and Anonymity of the interviewees before, during and after the interviews. 11. REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY ALKathiri, N.S. 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A Survey on Promoting and Hindering Factors (Eschborn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft fà ¼r Technische Zusammenarbeit [GTZ] GmbH/BMZ/British High Commission SouthAfrica) Intex Construction Ltd. [Online] [Accessed on 20th November 2010] Kenya Association of Manufacturers [Online] [Accessed on 20th November 2010] Kenya Private Sector Alliance [Online] [Accessed on 20th November 2010] Kivuitu, M.; Yambayamba, K.; and Fox, T. (2005)How can Corporate Responsibility Deliver in Africa? Insights from Kenya and Zambia, Perspectives on Corporate Responsibility for Environment and Development, Issue 3, pp.1-5 Klins, U,; Niekerk, J. and Smit, A. (2010) Africa in The World Guide to CSR: A Country-by- Country Analysis of Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, Sheffield, Greenleaf Publishing Limited Little, A. (2003) The Business Case for Corporate Responsibility [Online] [Accessed on 20th November 2010] Mullerat, R. And Brennan, D. 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(2004) Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe and Asia: Critical Elements and Best Practice, Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Issue 13 Welford, R. (2005) Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe, North America and Asia, Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Issue 17 Winston, B., and Ryan, B. (2008) Servant Leadership as a Humane Orientation: Using the GLOBE Study Construct of Humane Orientation to Show that Servant Leadership is More Global than Western, International Journal of Leadership Studies 3.2: 212-222. World Bank Institute Education Group (2007) Document Review in Needs Assessment Knowledge Base, World Bank Organisation [Online] [Accessed on 21st November 2010] World Bank Institute (2003) CSR Launch in Kenya in CSR Update, Vol.1 (2), pp.1-8 12. APPENDICES C:UsersLynResearch Methodsbusiness in society diag..gif Appendix 1 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY QUESTIONNAIRE QUESTION YES NO N/A COMMENTS Does your organisation have a CSR structure? Have targets been set? Who has overall responsibility for CSR in your organisation? Does your organisation report on CSR? Has your organisation undertaken any type of activity that has aided the community or protected the environment? Has management received training on CSR issues? Has your organisation tried to reduce its environmental impact in terms of: a) Pollution Prevention? b) Waste minimisation recycling? c) Protection of the natural environment? Does your organisation supply clear accurate environmental information on its activities to the local community? Does your organisation have open dialogue with
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Homeschool vs. Public School Essay
Homeschooling has been a debated issue for years. Itââ¬â¢s been disputed as to whether homeschooling is more beneficial to a student than attending public school. Although there is some advantages in homeschooling a student, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages and are too detrimental to the student. Homeschooling hinders a studentsââ¬â¢ social development by allowing them to escape from the distractions and pressures of society. Taking students out of public schools only isolates them from society and their peers. Allowing a child to learn at home, lets them create their own schedule. By establishing a personal agenda, the student gets many perks. They are allowed to sleep later and have more free time. In all, theyââ¬â¢ll waste less time because school is all about them. They learn things at their speed and can concentrate on their educational weaknesses. Students can get more individual attention from their parents, which can provide greater challenges. And without the crowded schools, the student can have a reduced amount of distractions and avoid peer pressure due to the lack of peer interaction. Although these are all great benefits of homeschooling, they also can be detrimental to the studentsââ¬â¢ growth as an adult. Without a structural environment that a public school provides, students donââ¬â¢t learn how to handle deadlines and rules. This really can hurt these students later in life, especially in the business world. Students need to learn how to listen to authority figures, besides their parents. They need to be able to follow someone elseââ¬â¢s guidelines and work under pressure. Due to the lack of deadlines and stress in their homeschool environment, students have less practice in handling pressure. This makes students that attended public schools more attractive to businesses. And due to the lack of interaction with their peers, homeschooled students have fewer social skills and less practice with teamwork, which definitely disables them in the workforce. They arenââ¬â¢t used to the distractions that kids that were forced to learn in crowded high schools had to deal with. They never had to cope with peer pressure or temptations. So if they are persuaded or enticedà later in their adult life, they wonââ¬â¢t know how to handle the situation and react maturely. Even though homeschooled kids seem to have more free time, they donââ¬â¢t have as many activities to fill up their time. This disrupts their ability to manage time and learn to work under pressure with deadlines and time limits. With everything that homeschooled kids donââ¬â¢t get to live out, they are deprived of experiences that will better prepare them for the workforce or higher levels of education. Homeschooling really deprives students of acknowledging all the different opinions and options the real world can offer. By only encountering the opinions of onesââ¬â¢ parents, a student gets a limited amount of knowledge and varied ideas. They just become clones of their parents. Itââ¬â¢s noticeably certain that each generation gets more intelligent as time progresses. My parents are amazed at what I learned in high school, especially in my advanced classes, because they didnââ¬â¢t learn any of what I had until college. And although homeschooled students can benefit from a more fitted education and concentrate on their own needs, their curriculum can become too narrowed, limiting all that they could obtain. In all, by limiting the knowledge of a student to only what their parents know, how could society ever grow and develop? A student needs to learn in an environment that will adequately prepare them for the ever-growing society and competitive work field. Along with the elimination of peer interaction, homeschooled students are isolated from pluralistic society. Once they escape the secluded environment of their home, they arenââ¬â¢t prepared to enter a greatly diverse society. Their involvement with different cultures is greatly decreased due to their lack of availability to interact with students of different backgrounds on a daily basis. Homeschooling doesnââ¬â¢t develop a studentsââ¬â¢ sense of community. Without any reason, or even any chance, to communicate with different types of people, homeschooled students are at a lose compared to those who attend public schools. A personsââ¬â¢ social development expands during high school when one is repeatedly surrounded by different kinds of people with different opinions, ideas, and backgrounds. Homeschooled students are not prepared for a culturally diverse society, so when shoved into the workforceà or higher levels of education, they are culturally shocked that everyone isnââ¬â¢t like them. This is yet another advantage students have that attend public schools. They are that much more ahead. All things considered, homeschooling does have some advantages to teaching and helping a student grow educationally. But it doesnââ¬â¢t help the student grow socially or even personally for that matter. They will fall into problems in their adult lives. They wonââ¬â¢t be able to be as socially acceptable as someone who has faced problems and pressures of our economy already. Homeschooling doesnââ¬â¢t allow students to be as prepared as others for the distractions and stresses of society. It doesnââ¬â¢t adequately prepare students for successful futures.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Marketing Mix Extended on Kfc Essay
KFC History ââ¬â Colonel Sanders Colonel Harland Sanders, founder of the original Kentucky Fried Chicken, was born on September 9, 1890. When he was six, his father died and his mother was forced to go to work while young Sanders took care of his three year old brother and baby sister. This meant he had to do much of the family cooking. By the time he was seven, Harland Sanders was a master of a range of regional dishes. After a series of jobs, in the mid 1930s at the age of forty, Colonel Sanders bought a service station, motel and cafe at Corbin, a town in Kentucky about 25 miles from the Tennessee border. He began serving meals to travelers on the dining table in the living quarters of his service station because he did not have a restaurant. It is here that Sanders began experimenting with different seasonings to flavor his chicken which travelers loved and for which he soon became famous. He then moved across the street to a motel and restaurant, which seated 142 people. During the next nine years he developed his secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices and the basic cooking technique which is still used today. Sanderââ¬â¢s fame grew. Governor Ruby Laffoon made him a Kentucky Colonel in 1935 in recognition of his contributions to the stateââ¬â¢s cuisine. And in 1939, his establishment was first listed in Duncan Hinesââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"Adventures in Good Eatingâ⬠. A new interstate highway carried traffic past the town, which soon had a devastating affect on his business. He sold up and travelled the United States by car, cooking chicken for restaurant owners and their employees. If the reaction was favorable Sanders entered into a handshake agreement on a deal which stipulated a payment to him of a nickel for each chicken the restaurant sold. By 1964, from that humble beginning, Colonel Harland Sanders had 600 franchise outlets for his chicken across the United States and Canada. Later that year Colonel Sanders sold his interest in the United States operations for $2 million. The 65-year-old gentleman had started a worldwide empire using his $105 social security cheque. Sadly, Colonel Harland Sanders passed away on December 16th, 1980 aged 90. Every day, nearly eight million customers are served around the world. KFCââ¬â¢s menu includes Original Recipeà ® chicken ââ¬â made with the same great taste Colonel Harland Sanders created more than a half-century ago. Customers around the globe also enjoy more than 300 other products ââ¬â from a Chunky Chicken Pot Pie in the United States to a salmon sandwich in Japan. There are over 14,000 KFC outlets in 105 countries and territories around the world. KFC is part of Yum! Brands, Inc. , which is the worldââ¬â¢s largest restaurant system with over 32,500 KFC, A;W All-American Foodâ⠢,Taco Bell, Long John Silverââ¬â¢s and Pizza Hut restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories. KFC In Bangladesh KFC stands for high quality fast food in a popular array of complete meals to enrich the consumerââ¬â¢s everyday life. KFC strives to serve great tasting, ââ¬Å"finger lickin goodâ⬠chicken meals that enable the whole family to share a fun. Uninhibited and thoroughly satisfying eating experience, with same convenience and affordability of ordinary Quick Service Restaurants. Transom Foods Limited, a concern of Transom Group is the franchisee of KFC in Bangladesh. The first ever KFC restaurant has been opened in September at Gulshan, Dhaka with a seating capacity of 178 persons. In the coming days, KFC plans roll out more restaurants in Bangladesh Colonel Harland Sanders Colonel Harland Sanders, born September 9, 1890, actively began franchising his chicken business at the age of 65. Now, the KFCà ® business he started has grown to be one of the largest quick service food service systems in the world. And Colonel Sanders, a quick service restaurant pioneer, has become a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit. More than a billion of the Colonelââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"finger lickinââ¬â¢ goodâ⬠chicken dinners are served annually. And not just in North America. The Colonelââ¬â¢s cooking is available in more than 80 countries and territories around the world. When the Colonel was six, his father died. His mother was forced to go to work, and young Harland had to take care of his three-year-old brother and baby sister. This meant doing much of the family cooking. By the age of seven, he was a master of several regional dishes. At age 10, he got his first job working on a nearby farm for $2 a month. When he was 12, his mother remarried and he left his home near Henryville, Ind. , for a job on a farm in Greenwood, Ind. He held a series of jobs over the next few years, first as a 15-year-old streetcar conductor in New Albany, Ind. and then as a 16-year-old private, soldiering for six months in Cuba. After that he was a railroad fireman, studied law by correspondence, practiced in justice of the peace courts, sold insurance, operated an Ohio River steamboat ferry, sold tires, and operated service stations. When he was 40, the Colonel began cooking for hungry travelers who stopped at his service station in Corbin, Ky. He didnââ¬â¢t have a re staurant then, but served folks on his own dining table in the living quarters of his service station. As more people started coming just for food, he moved across the street to a motel and restaurant that seated 142 people. Over the next nine years, he perfected his secret blend of 11 herbs and spices and the basic cooking technique that is still used today. Sanderââ¬â¢s fame grew. Governor Ruby Laffoon made him a Kentucky Colonel in 1935 in recognition of his contributions to the stateââ¬â¢s cuisine. And in 1939, his establishment was first listed in Duncan Hinesââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"Adventures in Good Eating. â⬠In the early 1950s a new interstate highway was planned to bypass the town of Corbin. Seeing an end to his business, the Colonel auctioned off his operations. After paying his bills, he was reduced to living on his $105 Social Security checks. Confident of the quality of his fried chicken, the Colonel devoted himself to the chicken franchising business that he started in 1952. He traveled across the country by car from restaurant to restaurant, cooking batches of chicken for restaurant owners and their employees. If the reaction was favorable, he entered into a handshake agreement on a deal that stipulated a payment to him of a nickel for each hicken the restaurant sold. By 1964, Colonel Sanders had more than 600 franchised outlets for his chicken in the United States and Canada. That year, he sold his interest in the U. S. company for $2 million to a group of investors including John Y. Brown Jr. , who later was governor of Kentucky from 1980 to 1984. The Colonel remained a public spokesman for the company. In 1976, an independent survey ranked the Colonel as the wor ldââ¬â¢s second most recognizable celebrity. Under the new owners, Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation grew rapidly. It went public on March 17, 1966, and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange on January 16, 1969. More than 3,500 franchised and company-owned restaurants were in worldwide operation when Heublein Inc. acquired KFC Corporation on July 8, 1971, for $285 million. Kentucky Fried Chicken became a subsidiary of R. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. (now RJR Nabisco, Inc. ), when Heublein Inc. was acquired by Reynolds in 1982. KFC was acquired in October 1986 from RJR Nabisco, Inc. by PepsiCo, Inc. , for approximately $840 million. In January 1997, PepsiCo, Inc. nnounced the spin-off of its quick service restaurants ââ¬â KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut ââ¬â into an independent restaurant company, Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc. In May 2002, the company announced it received shareholdersââ¬â¢ approval to change itââ¬â¢s corporation name to Yum! Brands, Inc. The company, which owns A&W All-American Food Restaurants, KFC, Long John Silvers, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurants, is the worldââ¬â¢s largest restaurant company in terms of system units with nearly 32,500 in more than 100 countries and territories. Until he was fatally stricken with leukemia in 1980 at the age of 90, the Colonel traveled 250,000 miles a year visiting the KFC restaurants around the world. And it all began with a 65-year-old gentleman who used his $105 Social Security check to start a business. Original Recipeà ® is Still a Secret For years, Colonel Harland Sanders carried the secret formula for his Kentucky Fried Chicken in his head and the spice mixture in his car. Today, the recipe is locked away in a safe in Louisville, Ky. Only a handful of people know that multi-million dollar recipe (and theyââ¬â¢ve signed strict confidentiality contracts). The Colonel developed the formula back in the 1930s when he operated a roadside restaurant and motel in Corbin, Kentucky. His blend of 11 herbs and spices developed a loyal following of customers at the Sanders Court & Cafe. ââ¬Å"I hand-mixed the spices in those days like mixing cement,â⬠the Colonel recalled, ââ¬Å"on a specially cleaned concrete floor on my back porch in Corbin. I used a scoop to make a tunnel in the flour and then carefully mixed in the herbs and spices. â⬠Today, security precautions protecting the recipe would make even James Bond proud. One company blends a formulation that represents only part of the recipe. Another spice company blends the remainder. A computer processing system is used to safeguard and standardize the blending of the products, but neither company has the complete recipe. ââ¬Å"It boggles the mind just to think of all the procedures and precautions the company takes to protect my recipe,â⬠the Colonel said. ââ¬Å"Especially when I think how Claudia and I used to operate. She was my packing girl, my warehouse supervisor, my delivery person ââ¬â you name it. Our garage was the warehouse. ââ¬Å"After I hit the road selling franchises for my chicken, that left Claudia behind to fill the orders for the seasoned flour mix. Sheââ¬â¢d fill the dayââ¬â¢s orders in little paper sacks with cellophane linings and package them for shipment. Then she had to put them on a midnight train. â⬠Little did the Colonel and Claudia dream in those days that his formula would be famous around the world. Pressure Cooker Colonel Sanders was always experimenting with food at his restaurant in Corbin, Ky. , in those early days of the 1930s. He kept adding this and that to the flour for frying chicken and came out with a pretty good-tasting product. But customers still had to wait 30 minutes for it while he fried it up in an iron skillet. That was just too long to wait, he thought. Most other restaurants serving what they called ââ¬Å"Southernâ⬠fried chicken fried it in deep fat. That was quicker, but the taste wasnââ¬â¢t the same. Then the Colonel went to a demonstration of a ââ¬Å"new-fangled gizmoâ⬠called a pressure cooker sometime in the late 1930s. During the demonstration, green beans turned out tasty and done just right in only a few minutes. This set his mind to thinking. He wondered how it might work on chicken. He bought one of the pressure cookers and made a few adjustments. After a lot of experimenting with cooking time, pressure, shortening temperature and level, Eureka! Heââ¬â¢d found a way to fry chicken quickly, under pressure, and come out with the best chicken heââ¬â¢d ever tasted. Today, there are several different kinds of cookers used to make Original Recipeà ® Chicken. But every one of them fries under pressure, the principle established by this now-famous Kentuckian. The Colonelââ¬â¢s first pressure cooker is still around. It holds a place of honor at KFCââ¬â¢s Restaurant Support Center in Louisville, Ky. Yum Brands, Inc. Supplier Code of Conduct YUM! Brands, Inc. (ââ¬Å"Yumâ⬠) is committed to conducting its business in an ethical, legal and socially responsible manner. To encourage compliance with all legal requirements and ethical business practices, Yum has established this Supplier Code of Conduct (the ââ¬Å"Codeâ⬠) for Yumââ¬â¢s U. S. suppliers (ââ¬Å"Suppliersâ⬠). Compliance with Laws and Regulations Suppliers are required to abide by all applicable laws, codes or regulations including, but not limited to, any local, state or federal laws regarding wages and benefits, workmenââ¬â¢s compensation, working hours, equal opportunity, worker and product safety. Yum also expects that Suppliers will conform their practices to the published standards for their industry. Employment Practices Working Hours ; Conditions: In compliance with applicable laws, regulations, codes and industry standards, Suppliers are expected to ensure that their employees have safe and healthy working conditions and reasonable daily and weekly work schedules. Employees should not be required to work more than the number of hours allowed for regular and overtime work periods under applicable local, state and federal law. Non-Discrimination: Suppliers should implement a policy to effectuate all applicable local and federal laws prohibiting discrimination in hiring and employment on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, age, physical disability, national origin, creed or any other basis prohibited by law. Child Labor: Suppliers should not use workers under the legal age for employment for the type of work being performed in any facility in which the Supplier is doing work for Yum. In no event should Suppliers use employees younger than 14 years of age. Forced and Indentured Labor: In accordance with applicable law, no Supplier should perform work or produce goods for Yum using labor under any form of indentured servitude, nor should threats of violence, physical punishment, confinement, or other form of physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse be used as a method of discipline or control. Notification to Employees: To the extent required by law, Suppliers should establish company-wide policies implementing the standards outlined in this Code and post notices of those policies for their employees. The notices should be in all languages necessary to fully communicate the policy to its employees. Audits and Inspections Each Supplier should conduct audits and inspections to insure their compliance with this Code and applicable legal and contractual standards. In addition to any contractual rights of Yum or Unified Foodservice Purchasing Co-op, LLC (ââ¬Å"UFPCâ⬠), the Supplierââ¬â¢s failure to observe the Code may subject them to disciplinary action, which could include termination of the Supplier relationship. The business relationship with Yum and UFPC is strengthened upon full and complete compliance with the Code and the Supplierââ¬â¢s agreements with Yum and UFPC. Application The Code is a general statement of Yumââ¬â¢s expectations with respect to its Suppliers. The Code should not be read in lieu of but in addition to the Supplierââ¬â¢s obligations as set out in any agreements between Yum or UFPC and the Supplier. In the event of a conflict between the Code and an applicable agreement, the agreement shall control. KFC Banani, KFC Gulshan, KFC Dhanmondi, KFC Mirpur , KFC Eskaton, KFC Laxmibazar, KFC New Baily Road, KFC Paltan, KFC Uttara, KFC Chittagong, KFC Coxââ¬â¢s Bazar. Restaurent Support Center (RSC) SE(F) ââ¬â 5, Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Ali Shorok (Gulshan Avenue), Gulshan ââ¬â 1, Dhaka ââ¬â 1212. Phone # 9894662 / 9894045 / 9886579 Fax # 9886222
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Common Misconceptions Common Myths - 1223 Words
Common Misconceptions Throughout the world, we hear so many stories that are told to be true and we believe them for hundreds to thousands of years. Sadly, most of the stories are fabricated or are common myths. For example, In the Book of Genesis the forbidden fruit that is mention is commonly assumed to be an apple. Another misconception is you need to wait an hour after eating before you can swim safely. As said in the beginning, The Book of Genesis says that the fruit that Eve was tempted to eat was an apple. Throughout all of the western art of Adam and Eve the mysterious fruit is an apple. In the bible, on Genesis 2:15-17, God said: ââ¬Å"The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ââ¬Å"You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.â⬠In the Bible, it does not even mention what type of fruit it was. So where did the idea of it being an apple come from? After of hundreds and hundreds of years after Jesus died on the cross, both Testaments were translated into Latin. It is highly likely that the apple comes from a medieval pun: The Latin word for ââ¬Å"evilâ⬠is malum and the Latin word for ââ¬Å"appleâ⬠is malus. Today, Latin is considered to be a dead lan guage because no one really speaks it anymore, well at least openly. So, could the Latin be right about the apple being theShow MoreRelatedJudaism- Myths and Misconceptions1599 Words à |à 7 Pagessome of the most common factors of stereotyping, there is another factor that leads to stereotyping, religion. 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